Analytic Therapy with Ginelle Krummey, MA, LCMHC
Local, in-person service: Asheville area/Marshall, NC 28753
Virtual: North & South Carolina

About Me.

Hey! I’m Ginelle (she/her).
So glad you found your way here.
I provide therapy for adults who want their life to
match their vision and values.
You’ve only got one life.
When you get to the end, you don’t want major regrets about how you spent it.
That’s what we work on in therapy.
Let me guess, life isn’t panning out how you were promised it could,
and you don’t want to feel like shit anymore.
Surviving the past few years and living as an adult in this world
while trying to create a household and keep relationships
has you feeling frustrated and hopeless about
whether you’re going to get where you want to go
in this lifetime.
All you really want is a nice life, some financial stability,
and relief from the endless worry.
Is a vacation with your beautiful partner really too much to ask?
Could you dare even… expect to retire someday?
These exact problems are what we tackle in my office.
Whether you’re an overextended entrepreneur, a breastfeeding breadwinner, an autistic multi-passionate, mother struggler, or regular joe, I can support you in shifting closer and closer to the life you want.
We do so by examining your history (how you got here), your barriers (what’s in the way), and your truest intentions (where you’re heading).
Therapeutic fit is important!
I invite you to a
free telephone consultation
to help make your decision.

Welcome to my therapy practice. All of you is welcome here.
I’m Ginelle Krummey,
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor.
I provide feminist analytic therapy for adults seeking to understand their distress and gain strength while directing their life where they want it to go.
Here’s my professional-sounding bio:
Ginelle Krummey, LCMHC is a therapist and founder of Collaborative Therapy at Growth Point Cottage. In addition to providing traditional psychotherapy, practice also provides extended sessions, relationship therapy, group therapy, and mini-retreats. Ginelle is adjunct faculty at her alma mater Lenoir-Rhyne University, and the co-founder of the WNC Therapist Culinary Club. Ginelle provides business consultation to fellow therapists, and attends ongoing supervision and clinical training.

But for real...
In my 14 years of professional experience in human services, and nearly 20 years studying and pursuing this career in mental health, it’s fair to say I’m a lifer for this profession. I’m obsessed with humans and doing my part to contribute to the improvement of the human condition. I eagerly await the next 30 years of my career, and I know exactly how rare that is. I treasure the honor of being a therapist every day. I take this responsibility very seriously.
Here’s a story about my professional journey to entrepreneurship.
It’s 2014 and I’m sitting in a job interview for a case management role in homeless services in Asheville. I'd already been around the block in human services by that point. I tell deadpan jokes throughout the interview, a coping skill I later recognize as the dark humor that lots of trauma survivors and people who do heavey work use to deflect fear and pain to connect with others.
When asked the question, “Why do you want to work with unhoused people?” I will never forget the answer that spontaneously flew out of my mouth. I said, “Because I recognize the reality that every one of us is one traumatic life event or medical bill away from homelessness, and I am no exception.”
Three years later, after making a home and community for myself at that job, and learning one heck of a lot about reality, I’m writing an application paper to graduate school for counseling. I state: “I am where I am today as the result of a relatively stable childhood, and a number of other factors that managed not to harm my development. As a person who has the ability to pursue meaningful work–not because of merit but because of unearned privileges–I feel committed to being of help to others.”
In those years in homeless services, I’d seen what a lifetime of traumas and setbacks will do to a person, and I’d learned just how thin our nation’s social safety nets are. While I know that hard work and determination make a difference, I am certain that meritocracy is a false ideal. People can’t bootstrap their way entirely through life’s hardships or systemic limitations. We need help from other people.
I also saw that what I couldn’t do in case management was help folks heal the initial, core traumas that resulted in their devastating situations. It wasn’t my role. Now I am honored and satisfied every day to facilitate that healing work as a therapist, which is prevention of worse outcomes for everyone that I serve.
When I began my private practice, I was in utter disbelief that I had become a business owner at all… since internalized misogyny had convinced me that entrepreneurship was for grown men. Out of sheer need to establish a sense of wellness after all those years with high exposure to human suffering, I chose to lessen my daily vicarious trauma load with an intention of being a solid clinician for fewer people. I put trust in my years of experience, ability to learn new skills, make great relationships, and use strong clinical judgment.
Nothing has improved my life more than starting to work for myself. Nothing has relieved my workplace frustrations and provided more growth opportunities and empowerment than being my own benevolent, encouraging boss. I can do so much more direct good in the world this way, and I can seek wellness on my own terms at the same time.
Everyone is worthy of finding their way to wellness, even in the unjust world we are in.
Nobody deserves a burnt-out therapist. Everyone deserves a therapist who is clear about their needs, and growing.
Now I focus on helping other conscientious professionals literally maintain their sanity while encountering really hard shit on a day-to-day basis.
Another transition that’s providing paradigm-shifting insights for me is becoming a parent... but that’s a story for another day.
So how does my professional journey support your healing?
As I continue to study the pratice of psychotherapy,
I reflect on the work I've done with people from across my career.
I bring a wealth of experience into my work with every patient.
This experience invited me to select a treatment method I refer to as Feminist Analytic Therapy.
In feminist analytic therapy, we examine issues happening in the present
while caring for the big events of the past.
We navigate toward your chosen future, one choice at a time.
Our goal is for you to understand yourself well enough
that you can effectively communicate your needs to the people in your life,
and in return be known and loved for who you are.
We also fight the forces that would prefer to keep you feeling small and disempowered.
Here’s what you can expect from each stage of our work together.
Trust-building & Companionship
We build a relationship that evolves over time.
You test me out for safety and practice new relationship skills
I’m there as your life unfolds
We experience the realities of relationships: rupture & repair
You tell me about your week, your relationships, your fears
I ask about your childhood, your family, your story
Together we witness a timeline of your life experiences
We review the events of your life with a new set of eyes
Analysis & Understanding
We find parallels between situations of the past and present
We examine the functions of your emotional tendencies
Events that used to limit you are transformed with adequate processing
You get to know yourself and your needs
Self-informed Life Crafting
You make new choices based on our work
You listen more closely to your wants and needs
You begin to feel undaunted by feelings and challenges
Life starts looking and feeling a whole lot better
Some Value Systems I'm working with...
Feminism is for EVERYONE
Patriarchy oppresses everyone under it in different ways, and individuals uniquely.
Feminist therapy makes sure to include analysis of the impact of gender in a person's life, among other identity intersections.
A feminist agenda is about liberation for all, since everyone's freedom is tied up together.
We look at how your identities have created your life experience.
You're the expert on you.
I maintain a curious stance about your reality, and work not to make assumptions.
If I make a bad guess at the meaning of something, you correcting me is valuble for your work and our relationship.
I maintain nonjudgment and acceptance for who you are and how you got to be this way.
Our main goal is your self-knowledge through the process of talking and being heard.
We go at your speed.
You are worthy.
I respect your boundaries and follow your lead about what we explore.
Everyone’s rate of healing is different.
We use our relationship to gather information about your other ones.
Leave when you're ready, stay as long as you like.
Yes, you.
We’ll find experiences from your life that convinced you otherwise.
We’ll grapple with systemic injustice and barriers to happiness and joy.
After a lifetime of survival, it can be a weird transition to okay-ness or wellness, so we notice that shift as it's happening.
One thing I make clear to folks when they work with me is that
not every minute in session is serious business.
We also laugh and talk about the weather.
You deserve to get past all that stuff that happened in the past,
and entrust yourself with a future of your choosing.
Therapy is one clear way to get there.
Set up your first appointment today.